
Quelle recherche en SSR par le Pr Philippe MARQUE, CHU Rangueil Toulouse

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Principles and Practice in Clinical and Research Course, 2013
Criteria to apply to the the Principles and Practice in Clinical and Research Course, 2013

The Principles and Practice in Clinical and Research (PPCR) course is a collaborative and distance learning program in Clinical research held by the Department of Continuing Education of the Harvard Medical School.

The course is relevant both for those wishing to gain an overall understanding of clinical trials before moving into the field and for those who have general or specialist experience in this area and aim to broaden their role in the design, management, analysis, and reporting of clinical research.

It is a 6-month distance-learning course (from February to October) with a 4-day live optional workshop in São Paulo, Brazil. Participants must attend a weekly 3-hour interactive video-conference session, broadcast from Harvard University. A good web connection is mandatory. Every lecture will take place from 4-7 pm EST (Boston time).

The course is divided into four modules – each module having six lectures each:

Module 1 – Basics of Clinical Research
Module 1 will provide students with a solid understanding of the basic issues in the design of clinical trials. This module includes the fundamental principles of clinical trials including study population, selection of questions, basic study design, randomization process and blinding.
Module 2 - Basic Statistics
Module 2 will introduce the basic statistical methods used in clinical trials. We will also discuss how to select and apply appropriate statistical methods to analyze data from clinical trials, and how to present, interpret, and discuss the analyses clearly and concisely.
Module 3 - Practical Aspects of Clinical Research
Module 3 will discuss the main features of clinical trials, including methodological and organizational considerations, as well as the principles of trial conduct and reporting. Preparing the protocol for a trial, including data collection forms, logistical and budgetary issues as well as critical issues when designing a clinical trial.
Module 4 – Study Designs
Module 4 will introduce the main study designs used in clinical trials. Advantages and drawbacks of each design will be presented; including the analytical methods and issues of different study designs.
4-Day Live Course
The 4-day live intensive course will host eight Harvard professors who will review and discuss material presented throughout the year in a detailed and intensive fashion. One important part of the 4-day live course is that students will review their group projects with the Harvard faculty. This 4-day live course is an important component and is intended to give students hands on experience in clinical trials design and analysis.

Participants are required to read articles and case studies, complete statistical exercises, participate in discussion forums, and vote in a weekly poll. Participants are also required to contribute to a group project, co-authoring a draft of a clinical study proposal.
All of these activities will require at least 10 hours of study per week.

At the end of the 6-month course, there will be an optional 4-day intensive workshop, to practice the concepts learned during the course, in São Paulo, Brazil.

The course aims to provide participants with a theoretical understanding of the issues involved in the design, conduct, analysis, and interpretation of randomized controlled trials of health interventions. Students will be trained to develop skills to scrutinize information, to critically analyze and carry out research, and to communicate effectively.

The official language of the course is English, therefore participants are required to have a good knowledge of written and spoken English language.

To apply to the scholarship please provide:

  1. A curriculum vitae containing information related to your educational background, your research profile, your knowledge of the English language.
  2. A brief description of why you would like to participate in the course and what your research goals are for the next year and five years.
  3. A recommendation letter from your mentor in research.
  4. A proposal for a systematic review you will have to develop during the course. The proposal must include the research question, (using the P.I.C.O. model) and a brief introduction on why they think that this topic is relevant for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine and how it would change clinical practice.

Students who get the scholarships will be asked to finish the systematic review during the course.

Please note that participants from ISPRM will have to pay a fee of 1,350 US to register which include the STATA software license.

All the applications should be sent until January 29th to the following e-mail addresses:
Marta Imamura ( and
Francesca Gimigliano (
For any further news please visit the website:

Pour télécharger le texte

L’IFR.25 - IFRH a été créé, le 1er janvier 1995, sous les formes d’un "IFR en Réseau", en raison de la diversité des implantations de ses composantes de recherche. Il a été reconduit, après évaluation, par les instances scientifiques du Comité du "Programme IFR" du Ministère de la Recherche, en 1999, 2003 et 2007, et doté d’un budget quadriennal pour la conduite de son projet scientifique et de ses actions. Il est régi par une Convention qui associe les institutions et organismes d’appartenance de ses équipes de recherche.
L’IFRH se compose (au 1er janvier 2007) de 26 équipes de recherche, implantées dans 9 régions géographiques différentes, qui se répartissent sur trois axes "fonctionnels" de recherche qui forment l’ossature du "Réseau".
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Mise à jour le 15-09-2023 à 18:59:31